Some M1 iMacs appear to have a manufacturing defect that causes the display to be mounted on the stand in a way that's not perfectly aligned, leading to a crooked display.
YouTuber iPhonedo over the weekend published a review of the M1 iMac, and he found that his machine appeared to be tilted on one side, a mounting disparity that was visibly noticeable and proved with a ruler.
Another person on the Apple Support Communities also complained of a non-level display with a 1mm disparity between the right and the left sides of the display, and there was a third complaint on Reddit, with the person in that situation discovering the issue after watching iPhonedo's video.
Checked mine after watching this and it's also crooked.
Not to the degree of his, but not completely level either.
I'm outside of my return window and I can't take the time hit of not having a machine to work on for a month, but super disappointing that Apple of all companies is shipping units with such a glaring oversight.
Even our own orange M1 iMac that we ordered for testing appears to have a slightly crooked display. MacRumors videographer Dan had noticed the iMac was crooked and assumed it was a problem with his desk, but it appears that may not be the case.
There are seven screws holding the iMac's display to the mount, and the manufacturing issue does not appear to be user fixable.
Apple may opt to allow returns of crooked iMacs after the two week return window, but it appears to be a problem that's limited in scale at this time so we don't yet know how support staff will respond. Apple customers who purchase a new M1 iMac should check for a crooked display right when receiving a new machine so that it can be returned or swapped out within its two week return window to avoid having to try to get support from Apple.
So far there are only a handful of known iMacs with this manufacturing issue, but let us know in the comments below if you've had issues with the mounting on your M1 iMac.
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